here it is. the beginning of the end. the inception of my blog. the birth of a new creation. wow. it feels so damn good. so good in fact, that i will show you a photo of how stoked i am.

there are a couple of things that i need you to know about this blog.
1. i take a reedickulous amount of polaroid pictures, making myself reedickulously broke. needless to say, you will see them up here often, as i tend to obsess about them and think that everyone should love (+ enjoy) polaroid photography as much as me.
2. i go to grad school in brattleboro, vermont. i am getting my masters degree in what's called "conflict transformation". i bet you havent heard of that before. heh. but that besides the point, b/c i am a peace-making genius.
3. i am really really funny.
4. i am not egotistical or humble.
5. i tend to have what some call "a foul mouth", "a crude sense of humor", "a mouth of a sailor", "a prison lingo", "etc.". so dont say i didnt warn you. and my mom isnt here to wash my mouth out with soap. (i HATE ivory bar soap to this day = EW!)
6. i like to watch movies alot. so you'll hear about those.
7. i like music (doi). but mostly what my boyfriend has coined "sad bastard music". so you'll hear alot about that. (cool, layli! thanks!) dont say i didnt warn you.
8. i have a jewelry business that basically is the most deadly (that's canadian slang for AWESOME)thing EVER! OMG! check it out! -- so you'll be hearing about that too! cool!
9. i like fashion.
10. and i love talking smack.(dont say i didnt warn you)
more to be added to the list later.
but basically, i will discuss all of the above. get ready to have the ride of your life. forget smoking, this is the REAL addiction! BLOGGING! YAHOO!
pee.ess: PLEASE comment on all of the above and everything else. this is a place not only for my rantings, but yours as well. i love you.
bare with me, i am new to this thing. but i guarentee you one thing. this blog will be deadly.
to close for today, i will show you another photo of how stoked i am. note: i'm the little girl in the pink shirt with a raggedy ann (sp? who gives??) doll.

super stoked for the world of layli!
this is some good stuff so i will read it.
thats a real 'deadly' picture of the family. i'm saving it...
Hey, have you heard of Bon Iver??? If not, listen to 'For Emma Forever Ago'. I think it'll make you cry, but in a heart-achingly sweet way.
you're one pissed off kid.
please, please, please keep suggesting music, goose! i love your music!
YAY leyli has a blog!! you are quite angry looking in that pic. i like it!
thanks amyjoon!
awww welcome welcome, so nice to see you here ;) i will be visiting often...& seriously cute childhood photo, you might be the cutest kid ever.
Dear bastard,
if I knew it was this easy to get you to do crazy and entertaining shit, I would have said this long ago: START A BAND YOU CRAZY M-F'er. Make it a jug band. That is all.
Hey Lay~
Yes, cute and deadly! A yin and yang of sorts! I just came across another picture I have of you and me in Minnesota and you still had that FROWN! You were probably around 5 or 6! It is funny. I will try to find a way to send it off to you!
A good movie is "After the Wedding" a Danish must see! Amazing portrayal of characters and storyline!
~Your Antie Pantie!
Layliboo, your feed is offically on my iGoogle so I can get updates, and I'm officially also commenting so you know I've been here!!!! So take that!
thanks, al, for making that clear. you are rad. i love you!
prison rules, ladies and gentlemen, prison rules.
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