save the lives of many poor, innocent south dakotans: you can purchase this for your dear ol' cold, sick friend who hates winter in sodak here. this would look so ridiculously HOT on me. PLUS, i could eat as many bonbons and creampuffs as i want alone in the dark under this thing and you wouldn't even NOTICE. come on. splurge, the dow is going back up, dawg!! YEAH!
i'm doing better than that.
i admire your dedication, amy joon, as i think that knitting this thang would probably take you three years. not, YOU specifically, just anyone.
just this: i'll believe it when i see it.
that thing really makes me feel nauseous.
but at least you could hide your spam under it.
what you don't own one of those already? i have four.
booboo: DUDE! i was TOTALLY thinking about spam too. ick. spam. er, i mean, YUM! spam!
kye: why you been holdin' out on me???!?!?! do i need to take to you to a cafe and we can sort it out?!??!
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