happy halloween dudez. i wish you were all with me here in SD. here are some pics from over the halloweens we have celebrated all together. (mi yeewni):

okay, so this is REALLY crazy. a car commercial in Ireland was taping their show and then a ghost comes up out of the mist...check it out, its super trippy...and i'm not a big ghost believer...
you have to pay super attention to see it:
yay! halloween! ididn't do much this year, since i am taking the GRE's today. Needed my good rest. BUT i did go to the self-realization center. they put on the craziest halloween party, for familys and babies and such. I will show you pictures. i mean dancing fairies, fake talent shows, and christmas lights everywhere. seriously it made me miss you like crazy. you would have died.
yeah that does make me feel a little bit better. how did you do on your GRE's?? man, halloween makes me miss you so so much. no one loves dressing up like you and me, buddy girl.
BUT that video didnt SCARE YOU??!?!?!?!?
doi doi. i was expecting it. i didn't even oopsicrappedmypants.
nice pics.
what the?
yeah cos you ooopsipeedmypants..again'ed!!! what the!!!
i remember that halloween party in olympia! i didn't have a costume but was wearing a puffy jacket with fur round the hood so i just said i was an eskimo. i think i spent a lot of time trying to glue casey's falling chest hairs back...
hope all is well with you. check out my blog at
i posted a link to your blog - which i really enjoy by the way. (even though i almost had a heart attack from that car video...i'm such a sucker!)
i hadn't watched it, but now i did..... now i have to change into new work clothes.
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