so this is how its gonna go down -- if you hate one of my blog entries and you leave your comment anonymous, i'm gonna trash it. but if you say who you are, where you're from, then i'll keep it. until then, you are wasting your time commenting, b/c samimi-extremie thoroughly dislikes a coward + will delete the heck out of your comment.
so if you do it again, i'll sick this guys on yer trail:

and for you other darling readers whom i love and adore, thank you for your comments, your love, your support. we've had such good times together. we've laughed, we've cried, we've gotten upset. thanks for sticking with me, my two readers.
i love my blog readers, dont get me wrong. i really love you guys.
one more disclaimer: if i DONT know you and you leave me a creepy, strange comment, and you just give me your first name, and i still dont know who you are, i'll delete you. i mean, lets be honest here, this blog is mostly for my buddies, my cyber buddies and my future buddies and cyber buddies.
if 10% of your blog comments aren't anonymous flames, layli, you're playing it too safe. see if you can get it to 20%. then you know you're really onto something!
hahaha, that is something to take into consideration. but by flames, do you mean fire? how about we start a race (or bonfire), old friend?? ;)
best collection of photos i have ever seen together.
and to "stephanie:" yo creepo! don't go spreading lies like we're friends, because i wouldn't be friends with someone who talks crap about my sister. you need to get a background check before you start making up crap like that, it's not so easy to believe.
i would love to know who you really are. i may have some crit for you. hahaha
i also hate these secret commentors. even though i don't know what they are writing because you delete them so fast.
i am not sure why people like to be mean on the internet. maybe so they can live out there deepest desire to be a dumbass and have no one know it in their real life? i am not sure you can hide dumbass as a secret identity, pretty sure it's obvious.
Lish Masta!
I miss u kid! I miss our JW troop! I love your pictures. Your blog is super fun to read!
Heart U!
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