
me fisheye!

i am in minneapolis right now visiting my family + some buds and my fisheye camera is pretty darn fantastic. i want to share with both of you readers some recent shots i have taken. it is pretty crazy not shooting strictly with polaroid film...kinda super sad, but kinda refreshing too. i mean, its nice to not have to worry that the colours wont pop. as you can see below, these 35 mm beauts' didn't have much trouble "popping". i am super pumped about the way the sky turned out. super pumped to see parham + franz as well...(see parham + franz below...)

i would REALLY love some feedback on what you think. i mean, i already know they're awesome, but i want you to tell me too. atleast maybe tell me which one is your favorite. (heh. heh.). i'll be peacin' out now.


montague said...

aaaw Layli, they are graet! i love fisheyes.... makes me sad to have returned my own, but i am looking forward to an actual lens one day!

elise said...

rollie bought me one for me birthday, i just finished the roll and need to develop them... so excited

elise said...

and yours are super awesome as always


amy + elise:

thanks so much! fisheye is so awesome. yeah, would love a REAL fisheye lens as well. but until then, this does the trick. ;)

elise: cant wait to see yours and have some super sick photoshoots when i get to LA in about ONE WEEK!! woohoo!!

Anonymous said...

love fisheye. and whats his face looks really good in my t-shirt:)


what's his face would be parham, haydar. ;)

Unknown said...

Haaaaat DAMN I dig that fisherwoman's fish eye. Gold medal goes to the one with the poles wiggling like a Dr. Hugstable jello commercial. I would pee my pants if I saw you fish eye the shit out of some tree trunks. Jeez, enthusiasm makes me crass... Point being: Magnifique. Cant wait to see more.

Unknown said...

v-neck. uma thurman.

Anonymous said...

party over here! pee ess there's so franz.


you're right, namo. there is no franz. only in our imaginations i suppose. boo :(