
this is why i'm in south dakota.

"In South Dakota, the majority of the Native American population lives in extreme poverty, with unemployment at 88%, only 47% of the population having graduated from high school, and alcoholism directly affecting 80 - 85% of the people. Surveys show 27% of Native American high schoolers smoke marijuana, three out of five students drank alcohol in that past 30 days and 14% of high school students attempt suicide.  According to the US Census Bureau, Pine Ridge Reservation (Shannon County) and Rosebud Reservation (Todd County) are, respectively, the second and fifth poorest counties per capita in the nation, with a correspondingly high rate of serious social problems; suicide, drug-and-alcohol abuse, family violence, family breakup, and teenage sexual activity.

-Lakota Circles of Hope, and Elementary School Prevention Curriculum


Anonymous said...

I fear for ANY, yet undiscovered, culture that does not know of the white man... for it seems that western-european ideology/imperialism is spreading itself like a cancer. Is there a WASP chromosome that equals xenophobia?! Is this a crazy question?

flashlightfaces said...

being white makes me feel like a crappy person.



ginger: i agree with everything you commented above. always love your comments, you bright articulate girl you...♥

booboo: yeah, you're telling me! but hey look on the bright side, we're only half...