ok. so there is all of this "blogger" pressure to be this super witty, brainiac, know-all-the-coolest-blogs blogger that takes really cute pictures of stuff, like, "this is what they serve at my favorite diner"--click! and then post it. BUT what i am saying is, forgive me if i dont always make you laugh or make you think "gosh, layli is so witty". because there is no part of me that prides my blog on that characteristic. like today, i found this blog called "dooce" i'm not even going to "hyperlink" that blog, cos it just seems so cliche. but the deal is that SHE supports her husband AND daughter by writing her blog. now, seriously, how weird (and kinda fascinating) is that?? yep. pretty weird. and she just talks about her life on the blog. and people are FASCINATED by it. they go gagagoogoo over it. now, folks, this is where America finds itself in trouble. the fact that "dooce" has 1137 comments on each of her blog postings, is really telling of the state of our country. people are more interested in what dooce craps for breakfast than how many people are dying in hmmm..lets say Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Burma, etc. (sadly the list doesnt end), or even how many people are dying in their own communities due to poverty, lack of education, lack of justice, racism, discrimination, globalization, starbucks + burger king (i mean, not really burger king, but i thought i mine as well get SUPER liberal for ya'll and the starbucks name drop is for all you hippies out there that claim to hate starbucks but when no one is looking you roll up in there with your crusty mason jar and ask for a mocha-mint frappucino).
our reality has become a non-reality, drowing in this romantic notion of non-conformity when in fact we have all become conformists.
p.s. i also dont proof-read my blog entries. what can i say? i'm a non-conforming rebel.
to be honest, i just like to shoot the breeze from time to time and show you guys a few of my favorite things. which mainly just turns into me showing you guys some polaroids i take and think "hey cool! these are practically extinct now and so my friends should see this!!" or some dude making an idiot out of themselves from youtube. but, whatever.
so yeah. back to flafeel and homos. i'm in israel, remember? you four readers who occasionally browse to my blog? well, for you four, sometimes maybe five, i will be sharing with you some great polaroids that were taken as of late:

i am sorry that i havent taken any cute photos of my food to share with you guys. so the title of my entry may seem misleading perse, but i trust you four readers have an imagination.
this photo of na'im and i, i especially love:

so the samimi-moore/sahba/aazami clan just got back from mitzpe ramon (old fossil of a crater)/dead sea (evaporating salt pond)/108* too hot of weather road trip through the negev desert of Israel. if you four readers show some love, maybe i'll post something about it. maybe a few photos of na'im drinking water from a camel's mouth or baktash diving to the bottom of the dead sea with his EYES OPEN.
okay, now i have to go to bed. but not before i eat some flafeel & homos. (there are really are signs here that spell it like that).
yah. some blogs are for dooce bags...teehee...but really, you take the best polaroids. fin.
i rather liked this post. keep it up! :) please share your stories... i have never been to isreal.
limonana-- that was a really funny joke. seriously cracked me UP!
lovely paper--thanks for your support! glad you liked it. more stories to come...
ooohhhoaahhhh. that noise was made for the little heart you put in your comment. also i didn't get till the end that homos should read hummus in my head and then i laughed real hard.
ps did you know that the isle of lesbos in greece is suing the LGBT group in Greece for stealing their name.. Lesbian. why yes i hark from the isle of lesbos, I am a lesbian. Apparently it bothers them that women who like other women have co-opted their name. While the rest of us are going. WHAT! There is really an island called lesbos!
miss you mimi
we are all lesbians. and greek. so whats the problem?? heh. heh.
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