my family is gone from los angeles now, spread out all over the world again, and i too, am not home. i'm learning this weightless, ungrounded stability is the home - the culture of my family, the strength and the longing. i am so damn lucky to have such a long line of badass truth-seeking warriors and lovers in my family. so very blessed.
a couple of weeks ago my buddy aaron huey was in town and after we caught up over coffee about the work we are moving forward on together, we went over to studio number one to meet with shepard so that aaron could sign their collaborative prints. aaron is an amazing photographer, check out his work here. and shepard took a couple of huey's photographs and made them in to sweet street posters and billboards. here are a couple shots of the two of them before they started signing the hundreds of stellar prints. it was great to meet shepard and see his huge space, but more importantly, to see that the two of them are collaborating on such a good cause for the Lakota people.
today was a big day for me in connecting things. it was pretty cool how things just connected, from the time i woke up, to right now, before i go to sleep.
today i watched two extremely inspriational, grounding videos. the first was of marianne williamson and oprah on her 'super soul sunday' show [my dear friendgolis also involved with super soul sundays on the OWN channel]. watch it here. one of my take-aways from this episode was that the life i'm living right no, is THE life that i am living right now. meaning, that life doesn't start when x, y or z happens, but that the happening is happening all the time, not when i have the perfect ______________ and the best _______________, etc.. another one that was huge for me is that marianne says, "the reason so many of us our obsessed with being stars is because we are not yet starring in our own lives...the cosmic spotlight isn't shining on you, it's radiating in you". these were two things that i found to be extremely profound and it was so refreshing to watch this. it was such a huge reminder that really the only things that are important are connecting with our soul and nurturing our relationship with God. if you have the time to dedicate, it won't be a waste of your time.
the second was this phenomenal [descriptive] video about the impressive jonathan harris, founder of online community storytelling website [i am currently working w/ cowbird, the mad genius photographer & friend aaron huey and - more on that soon!!]. when jonathan turned 30, he decided to document each day with a photograph and a short story, to preserve his memories, as memories are so important to him [preserving a memory or a feeling is the reason i do photography]. honestly, everything that jonathan says in this video is so articulate and true - i could have been saying all the things he is; i resonate with every single word. when the short gets to 1:50 - 2:45, i really connected with the content. and it hit me, how earlier today, i heard marianne williamson saying something so similar to him, about how life isn't about getting somewhere specific, or a right or wrong, or an end point, cut and dry, but that life is about the every day, and that is our journey. [no, i'm not talking about those hippie bumper stickers, "life is the journey, not the destination", but i can see you going there, people. hahhaha. rather, something much deeper, yet so very elemental.]
please take 8 minutes to watch this and i assure you, you'll feel connected at the end.
so i wanted to share these with you, dear readers, in hopes that you will feel more connected to your true self, your higher being and remember [and be inspired] that there are beautiful, beautiful souls out there, trying to make sense of it all, striving to tap in to the higher realm, the place where there is a beautiful search for connection, community, service & spirit.