in 2005 my dear friend chris came to visit me from hawaii and it was a hot summer day in olympia. we had consumed copious amounts of espresso [4 shots each, naturally] and needless to say, i was geeked. so it was hot out and what does one love to have to get refreshed? a nice chilled watermelon. so i was geeked - well we both were - and i thought it'd be funny to pretend i was a karate chopping chef. so i got our biggest, sharpest knife and start hacking away like i was a samurai master with a long sharp blade. i HACKED it down the middle with one hand and then i wanted to SWIPE through the center diameter [sideways from the R to the L]. so in the same fashion, i HACKED through the watermelon with one hand, not realizing that my left hand was just chilling out on the other side of the melon. well. this is the hard part. i was so geeked and hacked sooo hard and fast that the knife SKIMMED the exterior of the melon, skipping like a perfect flat rock on the surface of the melon, landing straight in my thumb. IT DIDN'T EVEN ENTER THE WATERMELON. JUST MY FINGER. MY BEAUTIFUL LEFT THUMB. i was bleeding everywhere and it was deep. but i didn't want to go to the hospital and since chris was a professional snowboarder in his day and avalanche trained, i naturally thought that he'd be able to fix me. ha. i wish i had a photo to show you what it looked like: we ran to casey's room to get his butterfly bandages and then chris ate a popsicle as fast as he could and i used the stick as the "brace" or cast, or whatever those things are called; i couldn't bend my thumb or it wouldn't heal, as the cut was right in my knuckle. it was hilarious. kind of. pathetic yes. i had a popsicle stick on my thumb for about 10 days [come on, i changed them out! new ones, yummy creamsicles]. i even doned the popsicle finger look at chris's family reunion in portland where i had his brother kevin doctor it up more with new bandages. it was hilarious and pathetic and to this day when i look at my scar on my thumb, i giggle and get hungry for watermelon. [small joke about the watermelon craving] but ever since then, i have a new found appreciation for butterfly bandages and breathing slowly and deeply when i have huge sharp knives, all the while reminding myself that i am not a ninja, nor a karate master, not even a samurai sword fighter. oh but how i wish i was...
which naturally leads me to my next "thing" to share. this awesome image. i cannot tell you how sick i am of the "keep calm and carry on" kitschy "art" that has been floating around the blogosphere for what seems like decades now.
and wow. this park?? like are you kidding me?? its called the Qinhuangdao Red Ribbon Park
located in the Hebei province in China. the project statement is as follows: "Against a background of natural terrain and vegetation, is a “red ribbon” spanning five hundred meters, which integrates the functions of lighting, seating, environmental interpretation, and orientation. While preserving as much of the natural river corridor as possible during the process of urbanization, this project demonstrates how a minimal design solution can achieve a dramatic improvement to the landscape." My brother lives in Beijing and when i go visit him someday, i am dragging him along the red ribbon for sure. [see all the photos here].
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