if you're wondering if my pose is genuine, you don't know me. [just throwing that out there]:

This is my grandfather, Kamran Samimi. He wore ascots. He was tall. He was a teacher. He loved to dance and listen to American jazz singers.
December 27th marks the 29th anniversary of his death. In 1981, he was killed by firing squad in Iran. His crime? He was a Baha’i. Baha’is believe in the promulgation of the unity of mankind, freedom of prejudice in any form, universal education, and equality of men and women. These are the things for which my grandfather was killed.
This is what the Iranian Republic has taken from me and my family. Right now, there are so many other Baha’is facing the same charges my grandfather faced.
here is an article about me and my "Baha'i Family Legacy" in the rapid city journal. and here is an old post about the same matter. please remember to keep the Baha'is in Iran in your best thoughts & prayers.
all love.