hello dear readers! i know some of you enjoy coming to my blog here to look at my photographs that i post from time to time. i wanted to let you know that i have started yet another blog (count 'em, i now have 3). wow. i am a blog addict i guess. here's the deal. i started samimi-extremie-photography.tumblr.com for a couple of reasons. i think its important for me to have a place - besides my flickr where strangers (and friends alike) can come and peruse my photography without having to sift through my expression, rants and raves, my recipes, and youtube clips that i find hilarious. so i invite you all to go here from time to time, add it to yer blogroll, and check to see what's hot off my cameras. i would really love the support, if you are on tumblr, or have friends who are, i'd much appreciate the shout out and direction to my new photo blog. i am trying to re-focus my life right now...thinking much more seriously about my photography and what devoting more time to it might mean for me.

i appreciate all the support you have all given me regarding my photography and i am thrilled that people appreciate my work, as i appreciate sharing it with all of you...
i love photoshoots (obviously, right?) and snapping shots and i'd love to do your next photoshoot. pass it on. :) email me: samimi.extremie@gmail.com
i hope you're all doing wonderful! more soon.