i must say, this was too funny to pass up. take note of the part where Diddy makes a shout out to his "Saudi Arabian brothers and sisters", etc. it is pretty amazingly priceless. i usually dont put swears on my blog, and i may delete it soon, but for those of you that read my blog frequently, i didn't want you to miss out on this ridiculousness. i cannot accurately put into words my feelings on this clip, it is kinda beyond genius it is so bad. it is so bad that it is hilarious. this youtube clip was supposed to be removed from youtube, and it hasn't been yet, so count yerself as luckyducky.
Diddy should follow suit:
(image taken from superbomba)
Diddy should follow suit:

tell me, my dear two readers, did you:
1. like this clip?
2. LOVE this clip?
3. HATE this clip?
4. get angry at this clip?
5. wish i hadn't posted this clip?
6. thank me for the rest of your life and give me your first million dollars clip?
love love and more love.
p.s. man that made my day, my month, possibly the best blog post ever.