my mom: come on guys, trust me you'll LOVE it.
me: are you sure? or do the bazaars there just smell like fish and human urine?
my sister: uggggghhhhhhh!!
my mom: you guys NEVER want to do what i want to do! (as she looks down real sad) i'll just go with my friends sometime then...(another sad tone)
me: let's just go!
my sister: shenken + shukka carmel are SOOOO much better!
shirin sister-in-law: yeah! i really want to go to shenken and shukka!
my mom: TRUST ME. jaffa is great.
us: okkk...
here's some PURE AWESOME-NESS that i found in jaffa. be prepared, its so SICK you might puke (comments for each photo UNDERNEATH each image):
ok. do i really need to say anything about this image?? if i do, you are too stupid and un-funny to get it.
"no agoostas dear!! save some room fo' lata!!!" (PLEASE SOMEONE REMEMBER WHERE I QUOTED THIS FROM!!) who buys this stuff??!?!? i did laugh so so hard when i saw these fat people. peef, take note of the lady on the bench squishing her husband and being completely oblivious.
this is a sink. a SINK. a sink for unicorns. or as na'im and decided and mani-corn, a man turned unicorn. but na'im like uni-man. i like mani-corn better. unless the mani-corn has a UNI-BROW THEN, he could be a mani-corn uni-man.
this awesome chaise lounge was 2,000 sheks. that's like $500. damn, in the states that would easily go for $3000. sigh.
i don't really need to say anything but: THIS IS RAD. RADDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
i love lilies. so so much. the cafe that housed them was even cooler.
dude, this image cracks me the heck up. i mean, we got snow white's 5/7 dwarfs, a creepy 14 year-old dingy troll, some cool lights, and some freaky crap.
psssshhh. another dress for My Little Pony. she's everywhere. (kinda cool, kinda lame).
i even found that my man had converted from the Baha'i Faith to Judaism. sheesh.
so basically i dont know why any of us were complaining or not excited to go to jaffa. if the photos didnt drive that point home for you, i dont know what will. as it is obvious to see from the photos, jaffa is THE BEST PLACE EVER.
so bascially the day ended with my mom saying : "i TOLD you guys..." with a smirk on her face, a look of victory.
i love my family.